Crazy stuff is happening in most of our lives. More people are experiencing depression than ever before...... You would think that I would DJ everyday in this Covid time. Even I am having motivation issues. People are dying all over. I'd like to dedicate this show to a friend's bff who died very suddenly of diabetic complications. I will be taking requests and playing tributes. Just get things to me. I have to have it to play it. I didn't throw this set together with the intent for it to be an actual tribute. These past few nights I have been listening to the DNC and trying to fill myself with hope. It's just so hard because the ones still drinking the kool-aid are really rabid about their opinions and what they feel makes them the true patriots. We have tough times ahead. Sadly, not everyone really listens.
Well let's Happy Friday this! Get a cold beverage and kick back and stream some DJ Jedi. Escape into some music. If there is a tune you just have to hear......get with me....text if you have my number....messenger if you have me on fb. If we're chatting in the same place, get my attention. I just need to have it to play it.