I have thrown together a special stoner show for 420. I hope you all join me at 6pm Eastern today 4/20. This will be a really fun show. I will start out with some of the more stoner of my music then I will go into all the old Cheech and Chong albums of the 70s. So won't you join me for a silly time and bring your smoke, your drink......whatever it is the helps you relax from the stress of the day and let's reminisce the old 70s culture of our really young days.......those of us who are early Gen X anyway...... I am very happy to report that I will be bringing back my silly TV theme songs of my past......The "slap yourself"s and the "stumpers". Now the Stumpers will be worth a prize. The prize will be something small because this is a free station. So once I get a bit of money built up, I will look back into those bottle opener keychains with either my website or Desert Heat Radio's website on it. Also, I will start plugging 2 artists. One is my partner Jules. Now on occasion, we can offer a print of theirs as a prize. And a good friend's older daughter has offered to donate some of her artwork as prizes as well. She is known around the artist's circles as Hallucination Station by coco. My Partner is known as Jules/Julie Ayotte in the artist world. As websites become available I will start plugging those as well.......so stay tuned!!!!!!!
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